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Become a partner

How to get more customers as an IT company. Please sign in here for free as a company.

1. Top candidates: We are looking for top candidates based on CV and communication skills:
- Upload your candidates CV
- Upload a video presentation
The candidate can onboard themself via this link and add themself to your company: Onboard candidate.

2. Job postings: We have new jobs on the job board every day, and as a member you will get notified about new jobs. Here is the job board and you can apply with your candidate CV to the job.

3. Meeting with WeTal: A Premium partner is a quality partner that will have direct contact with the team. We offer one partnership meeting where we assess the company and candidates, so please upload a few candidates before the meeting. Book a meeting.

It is completely free to become a partner and start using WeTal.com and it is transparent where the candidates work. We work success based between the partner and customer fee. Read our general terms.

How to become a partner

How We Vet Partners

Great reviews

We contact and choose partners that has great referrals. We work with companies with 4.8 rating and above at pages as Clutch, similar to Trustpilot or have worked for great projects in the past.


Screening interviews

We meet and negotiate with all of our partners candidates and choose the top firms that shows high standard. We move forward with the partners that can offer good prices and high quality candidates.

Testing period

When working with new partners in real project WeTal are hands-on, attend interviews, helps with communication and estimates to make sure everything runs perfectly from all sides.