Hire Pre-Vetted IT Consultants On-Demand Within 48h
WeTal delivers IT Developers and complete tech teams, witih a week - from Sweden and Europe. With our large network we find top performers with great communication skills for the best price. Start for FREE.
A few profiles with videos
Get access to 1000+ candidates and technologies in our database
How WeTal Works
Get your first profiles with videos within 24h - the service is free
1. Describe your project
Describe what you are looking for, and we will find the right match. Thanks to WeTal's extensive network and long experience, our platform reaches about 50,000 developers - we have over 2000 IT partners listed and 10,000+ freelancers.
2. Meet your candidate
You will be presented with 1-3 options within 24-48 hours. All candidates CV:s includes a video greeting. You can interview the candidate as you wish, and if it fits, start your 7-day trial.
3. Start working the same week
Then it's just a matter of getting started and working with your candidate. With WeTal, you have simple terms, including a 7-day trial. We believe in flexibility and scalability.
We negotiate
You only pay the hourly rate for the candidate's work, no additional fees. With our extensive network, we help you compare prices and negotiate.
WeTal Ensures Quality
With our experience, we save you recruitment time. You don't have to search yourself, WeTal conducts the first interview with all candidates and offers a secure trial.
Daily Customer Support
We are your IT partner and assist you as needed. The day you want to terminate or replace a candidate, we are here. You always get a contact person at WeTal.
Reviews from customers
Happy customers is what makes us grow as a company

It has worked great with WeTal. It was a very quick process from a job specifikation to signing a team. The process was smooth and the communication is good. WeTal is quick to answer when we need something.
Tommy Eriksson, CEO at Evity

WeTal matched with a top rated Ukrainian agency that cut our costs with almost 75%. We are very surprised how much WeTals expertise could benefit us financially and would highly recommend speaking with WeTal before hiring a team.
Pierre Bougé, COO Northwind

WeTal has been a great platform to match with developers looking for new opportunities fitting just the profiles we are looking for.
Anton Aderum, CTO at BokaDirekt.se

WeTal has been a great partner for us in our recruiting efforts. Their helpful staff is always quick to answer, the platform is super easy to use and we got several interested candidates very quickly.
Philip Skogsberg, Co-founder at Challengermode

As tech-heavy startup finding our CTO was a key recruitment for us. WeTals platform was very easy to use and enabled us to find the right person for the job.
Jenny Ann Axson Johnson, Co-founder at Tilly

Thanks to WeTal we have met and recruited the talent we have been looking for in Stockholm! We have come in contact with people that otherwise do not pick up the phone, people from the best tech companies on the market.
Cecilia Lövström, Head of Operations at Futurice
Where is WeTal?
WeTal is a Swedish founded partner, with 80% Eastern European candidates (purple area).
We usually match teams from the same timezone in Western Europe.

Reasons To Go Via WeTal
Reach of IT consultants
To find a consultant
Risk free trial
What IT candidates are you looking for?
Describe your project or the skills you are looking for. Please note that we only take on projects lasting longer than 1 month. *
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Consultant Manager, Charlotte Holmen