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10 games you have to play!

10 games you have to play!

Posted: 2 Jan, 2023

Author: WeTal Team

Gamers have a wide variety of games to choose from, and it can be hard to narrow down the list of must-play games. However, after much consideration, here are 10 games that every gamer should play at least once in their lifetime:

Minecraft - This sandbox game, released in 2011, has become a cultural phenomenon. With its blocky graphics and open-world design, Minecraft allows players to explore, build, and create their own virtual world. It's a game that has stood the test of time and continues to be popular among players of all ages.

World of Warcraft - This massively multiplayer online role-playing game, released in 2004, has become one of the most successful and influential games of all time. With its rich lore, immersive world, and engaging gameplay, World of Warcraft has captured the hearts of millions of players and continues to be popular even today.

Fortnite - This battle royale game, released in 2017, has taken the gaming world by storm. With its fast-paced gameplay, unique building mechanics, and iconic dance emotes, Fortnite has become a cultural phenomenon and one of the most popular games in the world.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - This action-adventure game, released in 2017 for the Nintendo Switch, is widely considered one of the greatest video games of all time. With its open-world design, stunning visuals, and engaging gameplay, Breath of the Wild immerses players in a beautiful and vast world full of secrets to discover.

Super Mario Bros. - This classic platformer, released in 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, is a true masterpiece of gaming. With its tight controls, memorable music, and challenging levels, Super Mario Bros. set the standard for all platformers that followed and it's still entertaining to play today.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - This open-world action-adventure game, released in 2018, immerses players in the American frontier of the late 1800s. With its stunning graphics, engaging story, and realistic gameplay, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece that transports players to another time and place.

Grand Theft Auto V - This open-world action-adventure game, released in 2013, is one of the most successful games of all time. With its vast open-world, engaging story, and memorable characters, Grand Theft Auto V offers players the freedom to explore, cause chaos, and live out their wildest virtual fantasies.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - This action role-playing game, released in 2015, is one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time. With its vast open-world, memorable characters, and engaging story, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt immerses players in a rich fantasy world and offers a truly unforgettable gaming experience.

Dark Souls - This action role-playing game, released in 2011, is known for its challenging difficulty and deep gameplay mechanics. With its unforgiving combat and intricate level design, Dark Souls is a game that rewards players for their perseverance and determination.

Portal 2 - This first-person puzzle-platformer game, released in 2011, is a true masterpiece of gaming. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, memorable story, and iconic characters, Portal 2 offers players a unique and unforgettable gaming experience.

These 10 games are just a small sample of the many amazing games that are out there, but they are all considered classic and are must play games for any gamer. They offer a wide variety of genres and gameplay styles, and they have all stood the test of time and continue to be popular among players today.

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